Saturday, November 8, 2008

Write and Rewrite


From the right brain of Tracy Medberry.

(Well this one is from the left brain of John)
Today we are banging away at Reality Check. One of the pre-re-write tasks is to flood the web, to get links to Tracy Medberry and to Reality Check the Play to start showing up on Google. This is why Tracy Medberry is appearing as explicit text so many times. That is one of the methods of getting Tracy Medberry to appear in google. You have write Tracy Medberry and Reality Check and Green Room Theatre over and over.

Re-writes today. Diving in as soon as John finishes writing Tracy Medberry ten million times and we are planning to go top to bottom and bring Miles Cartwright and Johnny to life. Emma Melody is headed for strong sophistocated, slutty and doggy fetish, while poor Brian Sanchez gets drunker and more tired. Pez-man Jones is likely to be every bit as scuzzy as he was at auditions. And let me tell you, those Bailiff Beauties are WOW. Hot and sexy! They'll tempt every man into anything Everett Mann into anything!!!!

Be back real soon....

Judgement Day is coming.

Reality Check is a play entered into the 2009 Fronterafest.
Reality Check is written by John and Tracy Medberry.
Reality Check if fucking COOL.


1 comment:

shallow monkey said...

Tracy Medberry, if in fact you really are Tracy Medberry, or John, next time you need help with a publicity bomb, let me know and I'll lend some webspace and thoughts to you.