Sunday, December 28, 2008

Crazy Month

Howdy to those two blogger readers.

Fronterafest 2009 is coming soon!

When last we left, it was November and we were heavy into writing. Also, the play was cast and the rehearsals started. With the final re-write of the script rolling out at December 18th, it was about time for "break", if that is what you call the invasion of Christmas decorations, presents and relatives. (If that was break, I could use some work!)

Moving forward-set construction (minimal) starts this week. Tracy and John went to the Blue theatre for an open house and took many measurements. A couple of platforms have to be built and a couple of desks too.

Tracy scored some major free wood for set building, and is working on other pieces and some of the "interesting" props.

On the directing side, everyone is to be back memorized in January with the new heavy schedule. Blocking has been worked out and is more dynamic than ever.

All in all, doing very well.

Happy New years to readers everywhere.
